Students’ unions are hives of activity and innovation, yet can have inefficient processes and systems that are outdated. This briefing offers tools to help you to evaluate your current systems and to redesign your processes if necessary. Download: Breaking through bureaucracy
Find out more about what Give it a Go actually is, and why it is beneficial to develop a programme in your Students’ Union. This briefing identifies how to design Give it a Go, how to develop an existing programme, and tips for overcoming common problems. Download: Give it a Go
Building on the recommendations developed through the mapping participation report, this briefing details ways for students’ unions to increase engagement by students across student opportunity provision. Download: Deepening Participation
This guidance document explains how reward/recognition can be structured for your student groups. It also considers why this is important and how it is part of good volunteer management. Download: Reward and Recognition
This resource will help you to think about how you allocate grant funding to your clubs and societies. It will help you to consider the make-up of the grant allocation committee, the application process, and the terms and conditions of grant funding. Download: Funding
Handbooks are a great way of providing information and guidance to volunteers. This inspiration sheet highlights ideas for content and ways of presenting the information. Download: Handbooks
Using statistics this briefing highlights why quality academic societies are important to your union and institution. It also offers advice, ideas and suggested activities for developing these societies. Download: Lunch and Learn – Academic Societies – Briefing
This guidance document explains strategic development planning and identifies ways in which you can build tools for student leaders to use to develop their groups. Download: Lunch-and-Learn-Development-Plans
Find out about the basic considerations you need to look into when managing student opportunities
In this guidance we’ve pulled together ideas about how to manage international volunteering opportunities