The Student Fundraising Guide has been written by NUS, IoF (the Institute of Fundraising), and NaSFA (the National Student Fundraising Association). It provides guidance on: Charity Law (ultra vires) Student fundraising good practice, based on the Code of Fundraising Practice from the IoF Careers guidance for student fundraisers Download: Student Fundraising Guide Cymraeg: Student Fundraising […]
Developing a programme of fixtures, whether competitive or friendly or between your own teams or those from other institutions, is an integral part of sports strategies in many Students’ Union. This guide will support you to execute a well-run and well managed fixture programme. Download: Developing Sporting Fixtures
Students’ unions are hives of activity and innovation, yet can have inefficient processes and systems that are outdated. This briefing offers tools to help you to evaluate your current systems and to redesign your processes if necessary. Download: Breaking through bureaucracy