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Grant funding processes

This resource will help you to think about how you allocate grant funding to your clubs and societies. It will help you to consider the make-up of the grant allocation committee, the application process, and the terms and conditions of grant funding. Download: Funding

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Added on Tuesday, October 29th, 2013

Handbooks for Volunteers

Handbooks are a great way of providing information and guidance to volunteers. This inspiration sheet highlights ideas for content and ways of presenting the information. Download: Handbooks

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Added on Tuesday, October 29th, 2013

Volunteer Role Descriptions

This guidance documents contains lots of ideas about role descriptions to help you in supporting your student volunteers

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Added on Tuesday, October 29th, 2013

Supporting Student Fundraising

This inspiration sheet contains lots of ideas and information about how you can support clubs and societies to fundraise to support themselves in becoming more sustainable

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Added on Tuesday, October 29th, 2013

Starting New Clubs and Societies

In this inspiration sheet we cover different ways that you can support your students in developing new clubs and societies, including ways to break down bureaucracy that might stand in the way of creating new opportunities

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Added on Tuesday, October 29th, 2013

Committee training & handover

This inspiration sheet will give you examples of how you can develop your committee handover and training process to ensure strong and effective student teams are running your clubs and societies

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Added on Tuesday, October 29th, 2013